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Luke's Resume

Employment History

  • Luke's Employment in the Technology Industry includes WeWork & Dimension Data.

    dateFormat  YYYY
    title Luke's Career Path
    section Dimension Data
    Project Management & Network Engineer :done, 2012, 2017
    section Redstone
    Network Engineer :done, 2017, 2018
    section Sabbatical
    Peace & Quiet :done, 2018, 2019
    section WeWork
    Network Architect - Global :done, 2019, 2023
    section Lloret Control Systems
    Network Architect :active, 2023, 2025
    Where When What Why
    Available for Hire 2024 - Network Automation Bring it all together
    Lloret 2023 - Present Network Architect Rediscover my Roots
    WeWork 2019 - 2023 Network Architect - Global Build Complex Systems at Scale
    Redstone 2017 - 2018 Network Engineer & TPM Prove Myself
    Dimension Data 2012 - 2017 PM to Network Engineer Learn the Ropes


  • Luke's Education includes a BA in Politics prior to his various Tech Industry roles.

    Where When What Why
    YouTube 2008 - 2023 > 10,000 hours Life long learner
    University of London 2005 - 2008 Politics BA - 2:1 I should have known better
    Bishop Stopford 1997 - 2005 x4 A-levels Grade A The year they let you retake exams!

    This chart shows a timeline of Luke's Professional Certifications and upcoming expiry.

    dateFormat  YYYY
    title Luke's Learning Path 
    section You Tube 
    Stay Curious :active, 2019, 2025
    section CCNA 
    Cisco Route & Switch :done, 2019, 2022
    section JNCIA-Junos 
    Juniper Networks Certified Associate - Junos :active, 2020, 2025
    section JNCIA-DevOps 
    Juniper Networks Certified Associate - DevOps :active, 2020, 2025
    section JNCIA-Secuirty 
    Juniper Networks Certified Associate - Security :active, 2020, 2025
    section JNCIA-Mist 
    Juniper Networks Certified Associate - Mist :active, 2020, 2025
    section Juniper Associate x 4 
    Juniper JNCIA x 4 :active, 2021, 2025 
    section JNCIS-DevOps 
    Juniper Networks Certified Specialist - DevOps :active, 2021, 2025 
    section JNCIS-ENT 
    Juniper Networks Certified Specialist - ENT :active, 2023, 2025 
    section JNCIS-Mist 
    Juniper Networks Certified Specialist - Mist :active, 2023, 2025 
    section Juniper Specialist x3 
    Juniper JNCIS x 3 :active, 2023, 2025 
    section Juniper Innovator
    Juniper Networks Innovator :done, 2023, 2024  
    section GitLab Associate 
    GitLab Certified Git Associate :active, 2021, 2025 
    section AWS Certified Cloud
    AWS Certified Cloud :active, 2021, 2025 
    section Okta Professional 
    Okta Certified Professional :done, 2021, 2024 
    section GitHub
    GitHub Foundations :active, 2023, 2025
    section Allied Telesis 
    Allied Telesis Professional ENT :active, 2023, 2025
    section Lost to Time
    Multiple others not stored in Credly :done, 2020, 2025

Career Achievements

  • Luke's Career story is of ascending rigour & complexity (1) Smartly Summarised

    1. Smart Goals Poster

    Lloret Control Systems

    • Greenfield Architecture of Cisco, Meraki, Aruba, & Allied Telesis.

      At Lloret, i'm regretfully unfulfilled with the industry segment. I'm looking for something more inspiring that embraces the paradigm shift toward Infrastructure as Code.

      Network Design mapping Client Specifications to constraints.
      Requirements delivered in strict adherence to defined budget.
      Managed multitudinous stakeholders expectations.
      Built a frame of reference for future project pipelines.
      Delivered in strict adherence to defined timeline.


    • Key contributor to the global Network Architecture.

      Circa 750 Branches spanning >100 Countries with x4 Data Centres in x3 Continents.

      Transition the Global Branch Network to Juniper Full Stack.
      Radically reduced outages & increased network performance.
      Accommodations for budget & logistics constraints.
      Enabled the Golden Config for global standardisation.
      Completed refresh of First Generation Branches by 2023.

    • Key contributor to the global Network Automation & Orchestration Strategy.

      Much nuance here, lessons learnt and all that jazz.

      Incorporate the Branch Network into a code pipeline.
      Reduce the time to deploy a change from days to minutes.
      Built block by block. Source of Truth & Assurance first.
      Radically reduce team toil & increased Member MPS.
      Complete the transition to Infrastructure as Code by 2023.

    • Owner & Keeper of Nautobot & Netbox Sources of Truth & IPFabric Network Assurance.

      Network to Code & IPFabric are wonderful companies - I joyfully advocate for!

      Built Nautobot in AWS & IPFabric as distributed On-Premise.
      Accurate Database of >10,000 network devices. No Diff.
      Cross Functional collaboration with DevOps & Security.
      Ensure we have viable Sources of Truth both actual & desired.
      Complete the transition to Infrastructure as Code by 2023.

    • Administrative duties of Splunk Cloud Observability & Okta SSO.

      An unexpected void following Layoffs - I was eager to help!

      Be the gateway for SSO configuration & access in Network Systems.
      Configuration & Access verified by Cyber Compliance Team.
      Training & Documentation for Okta & Splunk.
      Ensured the Network Team had the correct access to the correct systems.
      Completed the transition to SSO Okta for capable Systems by 2023.


  • Luke's Hobbies occupied much of his twenties as he pursued adventure sports.

    Alas, time flies, he is now 38 years old and primarily focused on his career.

    Luke's life tree looks like this:

    ➜  Interests tree
    ├── Adventure
    │   ├── Mountains
    │   └── Rock Climbing
    ├── Politics
    │   ├── Influential-People
    │   └── Power-Structures 
    └── Technology
        ├── Infrastructure as Code
        └── Network Engineering


  • Luke's 2022 WeWork Performance Review

    If you would like a reference, Brandon Ross would be a useful starting point.

    Describe how Luke has successfully delivered business impact:

    "Luke is exceptionally good at identifying technology business opportunities and delivering on them. Luke's management of IPFabric and Netbox have been stellar."

    Brandon Ross, Network Architecture Director, WeWork

    Describe how Luke could work to further elevate their business impact:

    "Luke should continue his excellent progress at building relationships with other stakeholders around Wework."

    Brandon Ross, Network Architecture Director, WeWork

    Categorize Luke's proficiency across each impact driver:

    • Luke Takes Actions & Delivers >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Core Strength
    • Luke Adapts Seamlessly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Core Strength
    • Luke Thinks Critically >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exceptional Skill
    • Luke Communicates Effectively >>>>>>>>>>>>> Core Strength
    • Luke Builds Relationships >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Core Strength
    • Luke's Subject Matter Expertise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exceptional Skill
    • Rate Luke's business impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> High
    • Rate Luke's cultural impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maximum

Thanks for taking the time to read my resume. Please get in touch. 🎉