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Welcome to Lukeoson Labs

I'm Luke. Currently employed as a Network Architect in London.

Here you will find my Resume, my new Blog, and some Network related content.

I'm open to new and compelling opportunities in the Network Community.

If you have a role I might be interested in, please get in touch. You have my thanks and appreciation.

  • Option 1: Network Architecture & Automated IaC
  • Option 2: Technical Program / Project / Product Management
  • Option 3: Network Automation Evangelist
  • Option 4: Leadership & Team Management
  • Option 5: Live & Breathe the Startup Dream

Other than that, these pages provide a rudiment of information covering my interests in Network Automation as a career journey captured by the Epics:

  • Network Rudiments.
  • Infrastructure as Code.

This content is limited. It's less than MVP. And nothing close to MLP. It's Dev in progress.

I have decided not to port any previous content to this site. I'm starting from scratch.

  • Git Time Stamp cdd4488 (2024-09-03 14:19:38+01:00) by Luke Richardson

While i have you, please do remember ...
  • Always do what you love. ❤
  • Always write appropriately descriptive Git Commit messages. The future will thank you.
  • Default to kindness. It is the most powerful force in the universe.

  • end of page.